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How Often Should I Get My Carpets Professionally Cleaned?

Keeping carpets clean is crucial for maintaining a healthy and hygienic living space. However, many people need clarification about how often carpets should be professionally cleaned and have concerns about the frequency of cleaning. 

This article will provide comprehensive guidance on determining how often you should have your carpet cleaned. We will address common concerns, such as foot traffic, allergies, and environmental conditions, and discuss how these factors impact carpets’ cleanliness and overall lifespan. 

Additionally, we will highlight the benefits of professional carpet cleaning and how it effectively removes dirt, allergens, and stains, ensuring a clean and fresh environment for your workplace.


Factors influencing how often you should have your carpet cleaned


Several factors can influence how often you should have your carpet professionally cleaned. Let’s discuss these factors and how they can impact the cleanliness and overall lifespan of carpets:


Foot traffic


The amount of foot traffic your carpet receives is a significant factor. Carpets in high-traffic areas, such as receptions, offices or commercial spaces, accumulate dirt, dust, and stains more quickly. As a general guideline, high-traffic areas may require professional cleaning every 6 to 12 months, while low-traffic areas can be cleaned less frequently, perhaps every 12 to 18 months.




For individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions, maintaining clean carpets is crucial. Carpets can trap allergens like dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mould spores, triggering allergic reactions or worsening respiratory symptoms. If you or your colleagues have allergies, having your carpets professionally cleaned every 3 to 6 months is recommended to remove allergens effectively.


Environmental conditions


The environmental conditions in your area can also affect how often you should have your carpets cleaned. For example, carpets may accumulate dirt and contaminants more quickly if you work in a dusty or polluted area. Similarly, if you reside in a humid climate, the moisture in the air can contribute to mould or mildew growth in your carpets. A professional cleaning every 6 to 9 months may be necessary to maintain a healthy and clean environment.

These factors can significantly impact the cleanliness and overall lifespan of your carpets. Regular professional cleaning helps remove deep-seated dirt, stains, and allergens that regular vacuuming alone may not eliminate. By addressing these issues promptly, you can prevent permanent damage to the carpet fibres, maintain their appearance, and extend their lifespan.


General recommendations for how often you should clean your carpet


While specific cleaning intervals for carpets can vary depending on factors such as foot traffic, and environmental conditions, there are some general recommendations and industry guidelines to consider. Here are some guidelines regarding how often you should clean your carpet:

  • Commercial carpets: The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) suggests more frequent professional cleaning for commercial spaces with higher foot traffic. The CRI’s guidelines recommend commercial carpets be cleaned at least every 6 to 12 months to maintain cleanliness, appearance, and indoor air quality.
  • High-traffic areas: Certain areas of your office experience heavier foot traffic than others, such as entryways, hallways, and common areas. These areas may require more frequent cleaning. Industry standards often recommend professional cleaning every 3 to 6 months for high-traffic zones to prevent dirt buildup and maintain a clean appearance.

Following these guidelines and regularly maintaining your carpets is vital to prevent dirt, allergens, and bacteria buildup. 


Allergies and carpet cleaning


Carpets can trap allergens, including dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, which can significantly impact indoor air quality and trigger allergies. Here’s an explanation of how allergens can accumulate in carpets and the recommended frequency of carpet cleaning to minimise allergen buildup and create an allergen-free environment:

  • Allergen trapping: Carpets have fibres that trap and hold allergens like dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. These allergens become embedded in the carpet over time and can be stirred up into the air when the carpet is disturbed, leading to allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.
  • Impact on indoor air quality: When allergens are trapped in carpets contributes to poor indoor air quality. As people walk or move across the carpet, allergens can become airborne and easily inhaled, triggering allergic symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, itching, or respiratory issues.
  • Recommended cleaning frequency: Regular cleaning is essential to minimise allergen buildup in carpets. For individuals with allergies or asthma, it’s recommended to have carpets professionally cleaned every 3 to 6 months. This frequency effectively removes allergens, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Hot water extraction and allergen removal: Professional carpet cleaning methods, such as hot water extraction (also known as steam cleaning), are highly effective in removing allergens from carpets. Hot water extraction involves injecting hot water and cleaning solution into the carpet, agitating the fibres, and then extracting the water along with dirt, dust, and allergens.


Benefits of professional cleaning for allergens


  • Deep cleaning: Hot water extraction reaches deep into the carpet fibres, flushing out embedded allergens and dirt that regular vacuuming may not remove.
  • Elimination of dust mites: Dust mites, a common allergen trigger, can be effectively eliminated through the high temperatures and thorough cleaning process of hot water extraction.
  • Allergen extraction: The extraction step in professional cleaning removes the water and the loosened dirt, allergens, and cleaning solution, ensuring their complete removal from the carpet.
  • Reduced chemical residue: Professional carpet cleaners often use environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic cleaning solutions, minimising the risk of chemical residues that could trigger allergic reactions.


DIY carpet cleaning vs professional services


DIY carpet cleaning methods, such as regular vacuuming and spot cleaning, can be useful for basic maintenance and addressing minor stains. However, they have limitations when compared to professional carpet cleaning services. Here’s a comparison of DIY carpet cleaning and professional services:


DIY carpet cleaning methods


  • Vacuuming: When you regularly vacuum your carpets, you can remove any dirt and debris on the surface and make it look better to the naked eye. However, it may not effectively remove deep-seated dirt, allergens, or stains in the carpet fibres.
  • Spot cleaning: DIY spot cleaning can effectively address small spills or stains immediately after they occur. However, it may not altogether remove stubborn or set-in stains, and improper spot-cleaning techniques can damage the carpet fibres or spread the stain.
  • Limitations: DIY methods cannot deep clean carpets thoroughly. They cannot penetrate the carpet fibres to remove embedded dirt, allergens, or pollutants. Additionally, DIY methods may need sufficient sanitisation or deodorisation, leaving behind lingering odours or bacteria.


Professional Carpet Cleaning Services


  • Expertise and experience: Professional carpet cleaners have years of experience and developed specialised knowledge regarding various carpet types and cleaning methods. They understand the appropriate methods and solutions for different situations, ensuring effective and safe cleaning.
  • Specialised equipment: Professional carpet cleaners utilise advanced equipment and tools specifically designed for deep cleaning carpets. Methods like hot water extraction (steam cleaning) or dry cleaning employ high-powered machines that can reach deep into the carpet fibres, extracting dirt, allergens, and stains effectively.
  • Thorough cleaning: Professional carpet cleaning services offer a thorough and comprehensive cleaning process. They can remove deep-seated dirt, allergens, and pollutants that DIY methods may not address. This helps improve indoor air quality, extend the carpet’s lifespan, and maintain a healthier environment.
  • Stain and odour removal: Professional cleaners can access specialised stain removal treatments and equipment to tackle stubborn stains and odours effectively. They can use specific techniques and products to treat different stains without damaging the carpet.
  • Time and convenience: Hiring professional carpet cleaners saves you time and effort. They handle all aspects of the cleaning process, including moving furniture, pre-treating stains, and ensuring thorough drying. This convenience lets you focus on other tasks or enjoy your clean carpets sooner.